Highlights of Past Events

2024 EY CSN Student Excellence Awards and Year End Celebration
This year, four award winners were selected from a diverse pool of 22 FGLI student applicants from six area schools. All four were current students at Temple University. Ji Pan was selected for the top award of $1,500 based on her heartfelt tribute to CSN and Temple First. You can see her video submission here.
Creative Career Design
CSN thanks Dean Ron Kander of Thomas Jefferson University East Fall Campus for hosting this event. After a delicious lunch, we heard career stories and priceless advice from four accomplished FGLI professionals. They touched on many important topics for CSN students: mentors, risk-taking, perseverance, reframing "failure", financial literacy, strategic career choices, and finding your own support team. Missed the session? Check out the Q&A video here.

The New FAFSA and Scholarships
CSN partnered with Rise First to host a webinar on the New FAFSA and Scholarships just for First-Generation and/or Low-Income students. Six financial aid professionals described the process and shared some valuable tips (including how to use AI!).
If you missed the webinar, you can view a YouTube recording here.
How to Get the Most out of College
with Elliot Felix

The Unspoken Rules: Secrets to Starting Your Career of Right
From Financial Aid to Financial Independence

Highlights of Past Events

Dream Forward
More Than Interviewing Skills: How to Embrace Being First Gen

Community connection
We held our first virtual "Community Connection" event on February 19th, Noon - 1:15 pm. Participants heard the latest news about CSN including our plans for a Consortium Chapter to be launched in the Fall of 2021, funded by the Eagles Social Justice Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation. We introduced our Learning and Development Philadelphia (L&D Philly) partners and had time for testimonials from students and volunteers as well as for networking. Based on the great feedback, we’ll do this again and reserve even more time for networking!
CSN virtual game night
In the midst of a global pandemic, we’ve all been feeling anxious about the safety and health of our loved ones, and trying to stay engaged in a new virtual world. To take some of the pressure off, CSN hosted a virtual Game Night in December and January. Participants got to laugh and enjoy the company of the CSN community. Some of the games included: Scribbl.io, Quiplash and Split the Room. To keep this fun distraction going, CSN will host more game nights. Check our newsletter for dates and registration details.

First gen
celebration day
On November 7th, 2020, CSN hosted "Get Up, Get Going, & Get Inspired" in honor of First Generation Student Celebration Day. Current and past CSN students along with CSN board members shared their first gen stories and came together as a community to support future networking. When asked what they think are the main elements of success for first gen students, responses included: Resilience; Resourcefulness; Willingness to ask for help; Determination; Reaching out to others for help when needed; Understanding that failure will happen and learning from it; Exploring new skills; Making sure you are not too hard on yourself. After listening to the speakers, students were INSPIRED: “I was truly inspired by Shane’s determination and desire to help both grow his career while also supporting his family during their difficult times. It really shows that no matter the situation there is always a way to succeed and his story motivated me to keep trying my best.”
Mentorship orientation
At CSN we believe mentorship is the key to bridge from college into a career path. Learning from the experiences of professionals can help students figure out what they want to do and how to get there. The mentorship orientation is the program kick off event. Mentees and mentors meet for the first time, learn about CSN and core programs, understand what a mentor is and is not, and get to know what inspires each other. CSN has been running mentorship programs in the Philly area since 2017.

EOY celebration
Every year CSN hosts an End Of Year Celebration in April to celebrate the end of another academic year. This year the party was hosted at CIC’s open space. The theme is “This is Us” and participants get to fill out signs sharing 5 things that make them who they are today. Seniors shared their experiences with CSN and future aspirations. Students, professionals, and board members all get to network and know each other over tacos and churros. Raffle prizes were generously donated by board members to take each winner out to lunch as well as experiences such as a visit to the Franklin Institute, a game of badminton, or visit to the Barne Museum.
Congratulations seniors!
Building a career
in pharma
CSN hosted the “Building a Career in Pharma” panel with Bristol Myers Squibb and Dragon’s First (CSN chapter at Drexel University). A lively discussion was held among 6 STEM-based first gen panelists about ways to enter the pharmaceutical industry, how to present yourself as a strong candidate, and personal career path stories within R&D and management career paths. The panel was followed by Q&A and networking session with pizza.